Kinky Friedman

The Memorial - July 11th 2024

In his 79 years on this earth Kinky lived a very full life. He touched generations with his music and writing, but those who knew him personally hold memories of those interactions close to their hearts.

If you want to get to know Kinky on an even deeper level, we invite you to check out this video of his memorial ceremony. Friends, family, and collaborators bear witness to a man who changed so many lives.

“I Love You When It Rains” from the album Resurrection
- Directed by David Von Roehm for Luck Films

“I believe that we often fall in love with someone because of their faults,
not their virtues. That is as close as I can get to explaining why we love them
when it rains. The title came to me by way of a very beautiful girl. It was a gift.

- Kinky Friedman, July 2020

“Resurrection” from the album Resurrection.
Directed by David Von Roehm for Luck Films

Kinky Friedman. Live at McCabe's. 12-6-2015. Guitar - Joe Cirotti.